Sunday, April 13, 2008

Farewell Batch of 2008

Farewell always brought tears to me cause I always believed in living life in fullest and in that I always developed a very strong bonds with friends and places where I go and whenever it was time to leave it always brought tears to me.

Though in my profession I was always posted out from places within three years and at times in two years but it always choked by voice whenever I had to deliver the parting speech. I always had to fight to keep the tears coming out and always ended by getting a nice warm friendly hug from my Sr Officers and peers.

But yesterday's farewell was special. I came back to college after more than a decade since I passed out my engineering degree. So for me it was a second life may be God wanted me to njoy the second life which He gave me and wanted me to start afresh. Yea may be. The photos we clicked, the tunes to which we danced the friends we hugged and all the memories we carried in our heart will always remind us of the days we slogged out together and the parties which were rocked at its best.

There are always some things which remain unsolved, there are some friends which at some times of life goes away from us for some reason or the other,leaving behind a vacuum that no one can fill.

In my profession I lost many friends in battles and battle like situations, some I lost in my arms, some while I was carrying them on my back, some I lost waiting hopelessly for the weather to get clear for the chopper to come and carry my friends to a safer place,and few I lost on the hospital bed. Each time they use to leave the world, more bitter I use to be about the whole system and when I talk today about those days to people I speak so bitter that I myself get surprise that how the time has changed me and how different I have become than what I was before joining the field operation formation.

So today when I see some friends lost in time due to some unspoken misunderstandings it is very saddening but that's what life is, may be, that is how it is. But the result is same, you still lose your friend in the thick of the world.

With the days at the campus coming to end, which they will before even I realise, the sun too will set on the beautiful sunny days of my life, I just want to make enough hay when the sun is shinning bright, so that when if again I have to go to a lonely place I will have enough memories which I can rewind and njoy and keep myself in the best fighting condition as the Army wants me to be.

If ever this blog is read by my course mates of VGSOM 2008 remember this my friend that you are always thought of with fond memories, from me there is no grudges against you cause you are my friend for life and in friendship there is no place for grudges.

God bless you all Batch of 2008 and may you fly so high that even in the remotest place where ever I will be, I will be able to see you all and will always feel your presence around me. With fond memories of you all,



Soulmate said...

Hope all your friends read this post. Leaving friends behind whom you get so close to, during the course of time is difficult. But think about the other thing. You will meet some new people and get to make new friends wherever you are posted next. All the best!

Rahul More said...

Well yea I do agree with you that new friends will be there for me at the new place, but you never make friends to leave them for new. I agree that by leaving this place the brighter side is I will have new sets of friends which is very true, but you will agree with me that it hurts when you have to leave yours friends and go, it does hurt and pains a lot.

May be thats why we are humans and thats what differentiates us from other species.May be.

Amit Joshi said...

very touching..Life is like that only..well, who knows life better than you who has seen death from so close...I hope these relationships last a lifetime and these memories keep us smiling..

Rahul More said...

Yea Joe,

Relationships we develop but it is important that we nurture it also . Yea we will be in touch with each other.

Life is hard and busy, but not that much that we cannot time for friends.

We will keep meeting and smiles will keep coming whenever I will remember the farewell evening and your sincere efforts with whom you know better :).HA HA HA

Njoy life man, its great when you njoy and smile. Alles gute