Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why are we so apprehensive ??

Why do we fight? Why do we have grudges against the people with whom we are so close? The people on whom we have so much confidence, why suddenly we become so suspicious about the intentions or about the words used by the other. Why are we so much defensive? Why cant we be more tolerant why not wait for the next move by the person rather then jumping the gun and shooting down the person without a fair chance to the other guy.

I fail to understand why are we so intolerant why cant we listen to the other person listen to him/her find out what is it that's bugging. Why can’t we spend some time over the issue then just rushing into our decisions? This we do day in day out and wont you agree with me that this will be our second nature and will be seen even in our professional life and won’t we be then losing a good employee because of the defensive nature of ours. May be I may be wrong in saying this cause some people must be expert in understanding the complex organism, the human being, but still I believe understanding a human being is complex enough and if you value some one you don’t want to lose and when if you don’t want to lose some one you don’t take harsh decision at the drop of hat. May be I am biased may be, may be not.

Give and take man, I follow one principle and I never faltered on. It is worth giving a second thought on this before a harsh decision is taken cause the person we have we know the person that person knows us. Moreover if the harsh decision has to be taken it can be taken at any time but to mend things gone wrong is next to impossible. Finally to restart it with a fresh person takes time and things are still uncertain so it is better to give a second thought. Being a HR aspirant person I believe it is important yea it is important to think twice before ……...


Anonymous said...

One word - Insecurity!

Rahul More said...

Well it is not always that. Insecurity if we consider then there has to be reasons for that person to behave like that. A deeper introspection is required to be done as to why that person is behaving irrationally, if that person is really behaving so.
May be the organization policy may be having the flaw.In this world of 360 degree feed back one has to see one self more deliberately to find any flaw in self then we can take that view. Thats what i think. May be the person is perfectly rational in his or her behaviour.

Anonymous said...

just given a cursory glance, shall comment substantially later.
